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Last updated on: 2023-08-29   18:40:07

Campus Leader Program announced multiple job opportunities in Pakistan, which are listed below. There are currently 1 job openings in Pakistan. Clicking each will open a separate detailed page about each post announced by Campus Leader Program. The last date to apply is 2023-09-15.

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Job Description

However, each job has a separate detailed description, but overall the general job description is given below:

Teach For Pakistan’s Campus Leader (CL) program embodies our core belief that the development of our future leaders will ultimately shape our own future; the future of Pakistan. This six-month experience is a unique opportunity for students to join the Teach For Pakistan movement for educational equity so that one day, all of Pakistan’s children have an education that enables them to be loving, thinking, and engaged citizens.

CLs play a vital role in mobilizing their peers, and raising awareness, by igniting their passion and dedication. Teach For Pakistan’s Campus Leaders not only develop their own leadership skills but are ensuring that Pakistan’s most outstanding talent is taking charge of this country’s pressing issue; education inequity.

What the role entails
• Design and execute an advocacy campaign on your campus to deepen the understanding of education inequity in Pakistan and build a desire for equitable education for Pakistan in your network.
• Manage relationships with key stakeholders on campus in order to strengthen the dialogue about the crisis of education in Pakistan.
• Inspire students who are dedicated and persistent to invest their potential in solving one of the most pressing challenges of Pakistan: education inequity.
• Support the recruitment team by connecting interested candidates to the Teach For Pakistan team in order to ensure that the Fellowship application is accessible to students with a passion for equity in education and plan to develop their leadership by completing the Teach For Pakistan Fellowship.

What we offer
• An opportunity to work with and learn from the Teach For Pakistan leadership development team;
• A chance to build your project management skills by designing and executing an advocacy campaign and presenting your project to a panel of distinguished professionals for feedback;
• Development and strengthening of your professional skills;
• A chance to qualify for the penultimate stage of selection for the Teach For Pakistan Fellowship;
• A chance to qualify for the Teach For Pakistan summer internship program in 2024;
• An opportunity to volunteer alongside our Fellows in their community projects (Feb 24’ – April 24’) and receive a community service hours letter from Teach For Pakistan

For more information, please email us at

*Please note: The Teach For Pakistan Campus Leader Program is only available on select university campuses across the country. However, our Fellowship program is open to all graduate universities.

Application Process

The application process/ how to apply for specific job is listed below, but also check out each job page separately for more detailed procedure for that specific job:

• Apply online on given link below.
• Shortlisted candidates will be called in for a virtual interview with a member of the Recruitment team. If selected, all candidates will be required to undergo mandatory training before beginning their role as a Campus Leader.

Apply online for Campus Leader Program jobs

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