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Last updated on: 2023-07-07   19:46:10

Directorate General Mines & Mineral Development announced multiple job opportunities in Pakistan, which are listed below. There are currently 5 job openings in Pakistan. Clicking each will open a separate detailed page about each post announced by Directorate General Mines & Mineral Development. The last date to apply is 2023-07-20.

The following are the highlights of current job openings:

View all job openings including current and previous jobs offered by Directorate General Mines & Mineral Development

Job Description

However, each job has a separate detailed description, but overall the general job description is given below:

Application from eligible candidates having cleared Graduation Test conducted by IBA Sukkur Testing Service and domicile of Sindh are invited for the following vacancies In Directorate General, Mines & Mineral Development Department, having qualification and experience indicated against each post within 14 days of publication of this advertisement.

1. Candidates already working in Government / Semi-Government / Organization should apply through proper channel.
2. Following data
1) Name,
2) Father's Name,
3) academic / Technical Qualifications,
4) Date of Birth and Address,
5) Domicile PRC,
6) Two latest passport size photos (duly attested),
7) CNIC and
8) Previous experience, if any.

All documents must be attested.
3. The General upper Age relaxation limit will be permissible as per policy of Government.
4. 5% quota for minorities, while 2% quota has been reserved for Disabled person and 15% reserved for women from all
above mentioned posts.
5. Eligible Candidate should send their applications with their testimonials / documents to Director General, Mines & Mineral Development, St-19/1, Block-6, Gulshan-e-lqbal, Main University Road, near NIPA Chowrangi Karachi within 14 days from the date of publication.
6. Candidates called for interview / written test will not be entitled to TA / DA.
7. The Competent Authority reserves right to vary / modify / revise the TOR of the advertisement.
8. The competent Forum has the authority to reduce or increase the number of post(s).
9. The applications without or Incomplete documents shall not be entertained.

Posts announced by Directorate General Mines & Mineral Development:

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