List of shortlisted candidates is announced by Civil Aviation Authority just 3 days before the date of test

Last updated on: 2023-09-21 12:08:09

Civil Aviation Authority announces list of shortlisted candidates for the post of Air Traffic Controller (ATC) and date of Written Test. The written test is scheduled to be held on Sunday, September 24, 2023 whereas the test locations are in Lahore, Rawalpindi, Karachi, and Peshawar.

The civil aviation authority (CAA) has decided to take Written test and IQ test. The list of shortlisted candidates is given below along with venue of the test.

Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) List of shortlisted candidates

The CAA has already sent emails to shortlisted candidates, which each candidate needs to print out and bring to test center on the date of test.

Candidates have been shortlisted on the basis of information provided under the application proforma. At any stage, if it is identified that applicant do not satisfy the advertised criteria, he / she shall be disqualified.

Candidates who have mentioned their qualification on the basis of hope certificate or their result had not been announced prior the last date of job application may be disqualified prior interviews, irrelevant of their score.

Shortlisting for the test is provisional and can be amended at any stage.

Further details have been shared on email through which job application had been submitted.

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